Vivid stoneworks
Mobile: 0432 149 457
Vivid stoneworks
Category: Building Materials & Equipment
- Mobile
- 0432 149 457
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- Address
- Unit 1 NUMBER57 Turton Road, Metford NSW, 2323
0 Customer reviews
Write a review{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Vivid stoneworks specialising in granite,marble,quartz (Caesarstone, quantum quartz,essa stone, Silestone,smart stone )benchtops,sandstone and monumental works eg headstones we service the whole hunter central coast, port Stephens and newcastle areas we provide a free measure and quote so we can come to you. We custom make to your requirements and can just supply too. We have a wide range of customers from cabinet makers to builders and other stonemasons. We can supply direct to the public and help the DIY person in you fit flat pack stone no stone job to big or to small please feel free to call on 0432149457 or email [email protected] }
- Description
Business profile
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Vivid stoneworks specialising in granite,marble,quartz (Caesarstone, quantum quartz,essa stone, Silestone,smart stone )benchtops,sandstone and monumental works eg headstones we service the whole hunter central coast, port Stephens and newcastle areas we provide a free measure and quote so we can come to you. We custom make to your requirements and can just supply too. We have a wide range of customers from cabinet makers to builders and other stonemasons. We can supply direct to the public and help the DIY person in you fit flat pack stone no stone job to big or to small please feel free to call on 0432149457 or email [email protected] }
Vivid stoneworks's Keywords
Marble | Quartz | Headstones | Tombstone | Essa Stone | Granite Tops | Stone Benchtops Newcastle
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